At Our Lady of the Assumption we are happy to assist parents to have their children baptized into Jesus Christ and to welcome them as members of the Catholic Church.
Visit the Infant Baptism page to learn more.
Baptism Preparation Registration Form
Our Religious Education Program is now called GIFTed, "Growing in Faith Together Education". By attending two meetings a month, along with the online weekly component, parents who participate will receive everythng they need to teach their children about the Catholic Faith at home.
Visit the Religious Education Program page to learn more.
Confirmation is a two-year faith formation journey centered around small group discipleship led by adult catechists (volunteers) and peer leaders.
Visit the Confirmation page to learn more.
Middle school is a time when kids make important decisions about who they are and what they believe. EDGE offers a social community that is fun, active, and welcoming; as well as engaging teachings to help your student personalize and truly live out his or her faith.
Visit the EDGE - MIddle School Youth Ministry page to learn more.
Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Parish welcomes you as you come to understand and live the sacrament of marriage! At OLA, we offer a dynamic and engaging marriage preparation program.
Visit the Marriage page to learn more.
Our Lady of the Assumption is available for Quinceañera celebrations.
Visit the Quinceañeras page to learn more.
OCIA: Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is an experience leading adults into a deeper sacramental relationship with Jesus and is available for the unbaptized, those baptized in other faith traditions, and baptized Catholics who wish to receive additional sacraments of initiation.
Visit the OCIA: Order of Christian Initiation page to learn more.
RCIC: Rite of Christian Initiation of Children
Baptism is the first Sacrament of the Church and makes the baptized person an adopted son or daughter of God and a member of the Church—the Mystical Body of Christ. Baptism commissions each one of us to make the risen Lord present in today’s world; at home, at school, at work, at play, and wherever we go.
Visit the RCIC: Rite of Christian Children page to learn more.
Sacramental Compliance
Visit the Sacramental Compliance page to learn more.